March 2023 Monthly Punch

Meet Faith Wright
Age: 17
Belt Rank: Blue
Favorite part of Karate: I enjoy doing kata
Favorite Movie: Coraline
Favorite Food: Enchiladas
Other Hobbies: I love being an Artist
Most memorable moment: The first time I stepped into my art school
Interesting fact: I have a bump under my tongue
Upcoming Tournament: March 4th at Scottsdale Martial Arts Center
See Sensei Rick for details if you are interested in competing in the tournament.
Spring Pre Test
Dates: April 17 - 19, 2023
Monday April 17th
Regular class Schedule
Tuesday April 18th
5:00 pm Blue through Purple Belts Mandatory Rehearsal
6:00 pm Adult/teen/advance Mandatory Rehearsal
Wednesday April 19th
4:15-5:00 pm
Kumite Class for White through Orange Belts 4-12 yrs.
5:15 pm
Intermediate Blue through Purple 4-12 yrs.
6:15 pm
Adult/Teen/Advance Pre-test
Rehearsal is mandatory to qualify for Pre-test.
If you cannot attend mandatory rehearsal or pre-test then a make-up date must be scheduled through Sensei.
Make-up fees are $75.00 person and must be paid at time of scheduling.
All gi’s must be neat, clean, and pressed
All hair must be groomed and long hair in ponytails or braid required.
Those who attend late will forfeit their pre-test.

Shihan Osaka Seminar - INVITE ONLY
Thursday April 20th
Blue - Purple 5-12 yrs 5:00pm
Adult/Teen Blue - Purple 6:00pm
Friday April 21st
Brown/Black 6:00 pm
Black Belts 7:00 pm
The seminar is based on Invitation only as seminar size will be limited.
Criteria is as follows:
- Attendance must be above average.
- Dojo etiquette in and out of the dojo
- Your Focus and dedication when in class
Those who qualify for the seminar will be given an envelope with your name on it and if you accept to attend your seminar fee must be included with the return on the return date required. If you are late with your acceptance, you will then forfeit the opportunity.
The seminar size will be limited.
The qualification date will run from April 10-13th.
This requirement is for all karateka’s regardless of rank
Seminar fees
Thurs Fees: $40.00 per person
Friday Fees:
Brown Belts - $40.00 per pers Black Belts - $75.00 per person
Seminars are open to the public for viewing except Black Belts 7:00 pm class
All Gi’s must be neat, clean and pressed.
Hair must be groomed and long hair in ponytails or braids

Kumite in 2023
I believe in safety when sparring and as we learn to focus on proper technique and control, contact will happen. Not always intentional, but we are in a contact art and sport.
Helmets are now required for those 14 yrs. and under as per our insurance carrier.
See Sensei Rick to have your gear properly sized. The dojo usually has all gear in stock.

March Birthdays:
Name / Date
- Noah Ames - 5
- Brian Ames - 25
- Robert Houtkooper - 13
- Kyle Le - 4
- Kate Needham - 21
- Luana Oliviera - 26
- Esha Narasimma - 5
- Sophie Vaughan - 3
- Arya Seif-Naraghi - 28

March Dojo Anniversaries:
Name / Year
- Anna Cheng - 2021
- Joah Barker-Glenn - 2017
- Rob Houtkooper - 2018
- Collins Mason - 2021
- Russ Biringer - 2022
Dates to Remember
Saturday Classes
Enhance your core training under
Sensei Emily’s Sport Saturday classes.
2023 Saturday Classes January thru June
- March 18, 25
- April 1, 15
- May 6, 20
- June 10, 24
Spring Break March 11th-17th / Classes resume March 18th

Private Lessons
The MMAC Private lesson program meets on every Friday of the month.
Private lessons are taught by Sensei Sydney Johnson and Sensei Jackson Williams.
They are incredible one on one instructors who know how to enhance a student’s basics and fundamentals.
For those interested, please see Sensei Rick, Sensei Sydney, or Sensei Jackson for more information.

Easter Parade
Saturday April 8th
(remember the date)
In the past years, we have participated in the Annual Ahwatukee Easter Parade and we have been invited to participate again.
Last year was a fantastic experience for everybody!
We are looking for 20 karatekas who would like to ride and do kata in this year’s parade.
We love having parents volunteer to help pass out gifts to the crowd on the parade route.
We will need a trailer and truck for the parade for our participants if any one can help out please let Kelly Smith know
More info in the upcoming month. Thank you!