Alumni of the Week “Kira Nunemaker”

Kira Hart Nunemaker
In 1985 you could find all of the Hart family at the dojo, day in and day out. I was only a year old when my brother started training. By age 5 it was my turn to start my journey in martial arts;. I trained hard, competed hard, and grew up with some of the most amazing people at this dojo. I received my black belt in 1999, and that same year, I also had the opportunity to compete in Japan; one of my last tournaments to compete in.
I attended Arizona State and graduated with a business degree. I continued my education and obtained my Masters degree in Elementary Education. I am now a part time teacher, full time wife, and mother to Nixon, almost 5 and Monroe 3. Children are my passion, and I volunteer at Child Crisis Arizona weekly, I raise my own kids and teach my students with the same disciplines and values l learned in karate all those years ago. This organization is one that is near and dear to me- we were family and the bonds are forever etched into my heart. My whole life has been impacted by the lessons, discipline, experiences, and relationships I formed in this dojo. I have taken with me the drive and determination I learned through my karate journey, to be a better parent, student, teacher, and advocate.