Sensei Says… Little by little, you are there

Little by little, you are there.

As we have trained hard this past year our accomplishments were visible and little by little, we were there.
The path we take is our journey, little by little.
It is inch by inch, day by day, step by step, all the way, little by little you are there.
If you don’t climb the mountain, then climb the hill because it is better than standing still.
If you can’t swim an ocean, then ford a stream, just remodel your basic scheme. Don’t give up until you reach your dream, because little by little you are there.
Good things are here to stay and will never get done in a day.
Once you start, you are on your way, so keep on going, you will have yourself to thank and little by little, you are there.
If you can’t walk a mile, then take a long stride, move along with a sense of pride.

Because….step by step, you will be satisfied and little by little you are there.

Congratulations to all of our karatekas. Little by little, you are there.